Jun 25Liked by Dr. Ariyana Love (ND)

Wow. Thank you for sharing your information on this. I actually saw this advertised somewhere.

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Jun 26Liked by Dr. Ariyana Love (ND)

Is ‘Master Peace’ also snake oil?

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Dr. Robert Young is doing the lab analysis for Master Peace. The latest study demonstrates its ability to remove graphene oxide from the body.

Oxygenated Zeolite (Clinoptilolite) Efficiently Removes Aluminum & Graphene Oxide 👈💥


Master Peace is a 100% natural nano-zeolite supplement for heavy metal chelation and detox.

Master Peace is wild harvested volcanic ash from the sea floor bed and infused with marine plasma. The zeolite is structured and reduced to a stabilised nanoparticle size. Zero chemicals, only natural nano-minerals.

Sign up and order here:


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I’ve brought some but haven’t used yet. That’s because I’ve also read that nano-zeolite doesn’t remove heavy metals and in fact accelerates self assembly nano-tech in the blood. I’ve used nano-zeolite before (a different brand) and it made me feel more fatigued. Please advise Dr Love?

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Best to get your advice elsewhere I think.

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Jun 26Liked by Dr. Ariyana Love (ND)

"100 years ago humanity got along just fine with natural cures." So why are you advising people to purchase your multi-level product called Asea Redox? You claim it's found in nature, but it's a patented process and who knows how it's developed? You also mention their tech is open-source, but their website clearly states their redox signaling technology is proprietary!? I don't understand, help!

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Duuuuude! Redox molecules are isolated from sea salt! That requires a patented technology to do so. The product contains four redox molecules. Please research more carefully?

Read more about ASEA's redox molecules and read the peer-reviewed studies here:


Order ASEA Redoz here:


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Jun 25·edited Jun 25Liked by Dr. Ariyana Love (ND)

Thank you - most interesting - I will cease taking the 20mg Lithium Orotate and take more beet powder.

I had sever heart failure it went down to 18% efficiency @ 'weak and worried', so got on a slew

pharma pricey drugs that have helped a return to ability to do more stuff... however having hardly taken any meds/tablets in over 60 years this is new territory.....

I'm getting more able to be more 'normal' with the meds but want wean off them.

I'm currently on a treatment of @ (7) blood/ozone therapy sessions. Do you have opinion on that


Taking also DMSO, Colloidal silver (periodically), Methelene Blue (periodically) and Natto....

Any comments on those. Many thanks and blessings from Ireland.

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DMSO, Nattokinase and Methylene Blue are all poison. Colloidal silver does not help against these aerosolized bioweapons since governments are using a lot of heavy metals. Stop using all those and consult with me. I can get you off all pharmaceuticals by replacing them with natural medicines that support your cells.

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Now nattokinase is poison? How about just natto, is that poison too? Come on now. One can claim everything is poison, including water. The dose makes the poison!

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26Author

Most Nattokinase products are synthetic poison pharmaceuticals. Natural Nattokinase found in Japan is healthy medicine. Dr. Judy Mikovitz has a natural source.

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Why do I get the feeling that most supplements sold in your local organic grocery store are synthetic poison pharmaceuticals except for specific products sold by specific doctors? I can't tell you how many times a naturopath has told me that their product is the best, yet curiously their product line keeps changing over the years?

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👍 - I recall a stack by Dr Love stating that Methelene Blue is toxic. The rest idk… ♥️

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Methylene Blue Is Pharmaceutical Poison


Dr. Judy Mikovitz explained during a panel that Nattokinase is a pharmaceutical synthetic drug and it's poison. It's made from recombinant proteins which are rejected by our bodies 100% of the time!


I have published to my Telegram channel about the harms of DMSO which is a toxic waste byproduct of paper mills! I will publish my research into another Substack article soon.

You can schedule a consultation with me here:


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If I were you, I'd look for advice elsewhere! Best wishes to you.

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Seems strange that when researching "Lithium Orotate", which is the kind that Dr. Michael Nehls recommends, you would muddy the waters by writing about Lithium Carbonate, Orotic Acid (on it's own), Trichloroacetyl Chloride, chlorine, Sodium Hyroxide and Maleylurea and Corynebacteium and THEIR toxicity. These substances are (as any Doctor would know) quite different than the compounded substance Lithium Orotate. I presume you could find no actual evidence that "Lithium Orotate" was toxic, so you resorted to mentioning other substances that were toxic, in hopes of creating a false correlation? Interestingly, the links you provide do little to substantiate your claims.

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Excellent stuff on your Substack Dr. Love. Thank you❣️

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I would really appreciate some advice Dr Love. I’m very confused about what I do. I’ve been using EDTA and Cilantro. I’ve also have Master Peace but haven’t used yet.

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Sad to see you spreading False information about Graphene Oxide.


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FDA confirms Graphene Oxide is in the mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines after being forced to publish Confidential Pfizer Documents by order of the US Federal Court



Here's the Pfizer document disclosing that graphene oxide is in the Covid-19 vaccines


Karen’s Substack on the matter:


Pfizer Whistleblower Melissa McAtee: Up to 1/3rd Pfizer Vials Contained Graphene Oxide Which Pfizer Ignored


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Deliberate misinformation. Pfizer used freshly overlaid Graphene Oxide as a conductive support on Gold in its Transmission Electron Microscopy only.

See this article which captures the reference exactly as it appeared in the Court released documents.


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Microspheres are listed in all the Covid-19 vaccine patents. These are graphene oxide delayed release capsules.

Hydrogels are also listed and we have found many graphene oxide hydrogels in vaxx vials. Dr. Robert Young, La Quinta Columna, Dr. Pablo Campra and 22 other research teams have found graphene oxide in the jabs.


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A Pfizer whistleblower did claim that some (a third?) of the vials did contain graphene oxide, and she worked in quality control. Due to speed of manufacturing, I wouldn't be surprised if there are micro plastics in some vials.

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There is absolutely no evidence that any whistleblower knows anything about Graphene Oxide i Pfizer Jabs. She apparently did not know that Sugar is the major ingredient.

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You're lying GeoffPainPhD.

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Jun 26Liked by Dr. Ariyana Love (ND)

She says some other interesting things and she does not strike me as a liar. https://makismd.substack.com/p/video-chd-former-pfizer-employee

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Jun 26Liked by Dr. Ariyana Love (ND)

what planet are you on

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Unfortunately she did not understand the concept of temperature dependent opalescence.

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Jun 26Liked by Dr. Ariyana Love (ND)

how many of the graphene oxide patents have you read? you have multitudes to choose from on pub med alone there are almost 25k hits for Graphene Oxide alone... on a medical paper database....

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If you read my article you will see that Graphene Oxide has never been used in any Covid19 Jab.

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Since you only allow paid Subscribers to comment on your Substack I debunked you on the X platform. Another PhD may help to increase your research skills. I'm sorry if this is difficult for you to face but some of us knew about the graphene oxide from the beginning of this democide, in 2019.


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Jun 26Liked by Dr. Ariyana Love (ND)

you only let paid subscribers comment on your substack... whats your motivation? to help all men and women or to have a fantastic look?

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