And in the mail today comes the AARP Bulletin, the cover story of which is all about C-19, and all the "supervariants" coming and "new vaccines offer hope"; I mean, OMG, c'mon!

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AARP is no better then CNN. Both disinformation platforms.

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So sorry to hear about how you have been abused. The Targeted Justice Substack has given me some insight into TI's, gangstalking, and so on. Sounds horrible.

I pray in Jesus's name for your safety and well being, Amen.

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Ariyana Stay strong, keep fighting. You wonderful human being. Free Palestine and Free the World From Zionism. EVIL!

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I hope that you are Locked & Loaded?!

And, hopefully, you are in a state that UPHOLDS Our Constitution, and you're able to 'DO what is NEEDED' to protect yourself! If you are not in a state that does NOT Uphold Our Constitution.....I would start thinking about moving to one.

Stay Vigilant!!!!!

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I am so sorry for you Dr. Love, and yet, after all that, you continue to be brave and fight on.

What a good example you are to your fellow humans.

Thank you for being brave and not letting them stop you❣️

May our Paradise Father bless you with safety and health. God bless you and your Father Dr. Love.

How to END Your Gang Stalking! https://beforeitsnews.com/conspiracy-theories/2015/04/how-to-end-your-gang-stalking-2469104.html

Tactics for Fighting Gang Stalking (Counter-Intelligence Surveillance, Harassment, and Torture) - https://911nwo.com/2014/02/26/tactics-for-fighting-gang-stalking-counter-intelligence-surveillance-harassment-and-torture/

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