This is all so sad, particularly as the afflicted are dying while all this spatting goes on. It is impossible for people like me to know who is telling the truth and who is lying and who is just plain stupid, so I have to rely 100% on my own research and my own intuition to save my own life!

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Jun 8Liked by Dr. Ariyana Love (ND)

I have been listening to Dr. Love for almost four years now and she has been consistent in her reporting and her protocols. As for MasterPeace, it is a Zeolite with Marine Plasma. I have been on it for four months and I sleep like a baby and my thinking is a lot more clear.

Also, the CEO of MasterPeace can speak about the clinical and factual evidence and the pilot studies backing MasterPeace, a miracle in a bottle. So if no one here has tried it, you should definitely purchase it through Dr. Love and see what it will do for you. My sleep was better after the second night. You put five drops under the tongue in the morning and before you go to bed.

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Jun 8Liked by Dr. Ariyana Love (ND)

I think you have a good approach.

So sorry these health practitioners are caught in a fight cage.

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Thank you. I do not want to spend my time focusing on how shitty people have been to me but it's my reputation and I have every right to clear it and defend myself. Also, I am warning people against snakeoil poison so they don't further injure themselves. Detox should be all natural. NATURE has the superior cures.

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Sticks n Stones! One who provides consistent long term ethical information contributes to honesty. Never fall into the trap of "Who is Better". It is a childhood controlling and attention gathering measure for those who do not have true sense of self worth as an adult. Keep up your Great Work.

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Totally agree Christine, I am trying to detox but don’t know if EDTA or Zeolite is the correct formula. I’ve tried both and now don’t have a fucking clue as to which road to continue down.

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Yes, I have simply made a blanket rule that I will use nothing chemically manufactured for detox. so I am sticking to modified citrus pectin as my principal detox, humic/fulvic acid to support it and Silica to detox aluminium. I started researching all the chemicals that are recommended by various authors on substack, and my instincts just got a resounding No.

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Cilantro, as well… if you can grow your own.


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Blend cilantro with water measured to use to make rice. Cook. Make enough for few days as a fast. Plenty of water [boiled] first, cooled for drinking during fast.

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👍 (like button not working anymore) - but, what an excellent idea!! Thank you so much, Katherine!

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I learned about it. Careful not to overuse because it is very good at metal detox. We still need certain minerals, etc. Also, note a new study came out that boiled water encapsulates microplastics. I've tried to just drink boiled water only when possible. Finding a good filter on to do list. Note: Cinnamaldehyde found in cinnamon disrupts luciferase and papain dissolves hydrogel, found from papaya fruit and seeds. I use pepper grinder with seeds over morning egg. This war on us is so overwhelming. Started a garden and growing potatoes, sweet potatoes, onions, tomatoes. We can never trust the science/medical establishment. Resist🦅

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Can I ask, what is 'modified' about the pectin?

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Look it up. Or just make the point you want to make.

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Oh. Sorry. I have a word finding disability. I worded it badly. I just wondered which method your pectin had been modified by. No worries if you don't know.

Several approaches have been used to reduce pectins size and improve its solubility, including enzymatic degradation (Morris et al., 2013), ultrasonic treatment (Zhang et al., 2013), acid/base hydrolysis (Leclere et al., 2013, Nangia-Makker et al., 2002, Renard and Thibault, 1996, Thibault et al., 1993), and high-temperature modification (Hao et al., 2013, Jackson et al., 2007). When CP is modified by acid/base (i.e. pH-modified), its products are referred to as MCP which is registered as a dietary supplement in the United States (Jun Yan & Katz, 2010).

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The supplier of the one I am taking doesn't know. He is selling it for detox, and, as it has dropped my blood sugar by around 2 mmol/L, I am happy to hope it does everything Pectasol is claimed to do as well.

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My approach to the veracity of research is ‘follow the money’.

Another interesting take on methylene blue:


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Jun 8Liked by Dr. Ariyana Love (ND)

What I want to know is, how are people to know which "peer-reviewed" scientific papers are trustworthy, and which are not?

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It takes years of study! I've been a journalist for 15 years which gives me skills of observation and knowledge of credible sources. I began reading peer-reviewed literature in 2018. It takes skill.

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The 'detailed peer review' at end of article was a blog posting. Interesting nonetheless. My spidey senses are tingling, but remaining open-minded.

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Jun 8Liked by Dr. Ariyana Love (ND)

Even before discovering Dr. Love's Substack, I've been disturbed by what I've heard about the huge problem of science publishing being flawed.

I follow the work of Dr. Bryan Ardis, who reads beaucoup papers and reports on them. I wonder how he knows the papers are reliable.

I wish someone would do an interview giving us guidelines.

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We don't even have a way to assess which "story" is truth and which is lies. I have started doing a detailed article on the science behind the supposed virus and the supposed spike protein in the hope that by forcing myself through the medical research I will reach a conclusion at the end as to whether the whole thing is made up or not. I am also looking to see if I can connect any of the recommended protocols to the theory of the virus and the spike and so far I cannot. It is starting to look as if the entire spike protein story and the entire FLCCC infrastructure built around it might be one big fantasy. More work to do yet, so maybe all will become clear as I learn more - but I should not be the one having to do this research. One of the people getting paid to be a doctor should be doing it.

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Jun 8Liked by Dr. Ariyana Love (ND)

One thing that is confusing the hell out of everybody is simply the word "virus."

I'm convinced that some people mean a microbe when they use the word, and others don't mean that at all—they mean lab-made poison.

If we can't even define our terminology in a uniform way, no wonder we're confused!

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There is a very fundamentalist mindset around the idea of what a virus is, but having spent today going through serious research on the covid virus, if it is all a scam, it is one of the most well funded and elaborate scams, over a significant period of history. I do not see it as a competition between germ theory and terrain theory - it is not one or the other but both, Bugs of all kinds are very real, and will only take a hold in a body during times of crisis - and for all of us there will be times when the "terrain" is weak. But the nonsense being spouted makes it almost impossible to have an intelligent conversation about what covid really is or really is not. If we can't talk about it, we can't sort it out, and I am so afraid now that the entire spike story is a scam and that we have been completely "had" by the doctors and researchers we thought were on our side.

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Jun 8Liked by Dr. Ariyana Love (ND)

I think there are two things going on. One is the fact that the scam is brought to us by our own government, including the military, as part of a depopulation agenda and a one world government agenda of globalists. Think Katherine Watts' extensive research.

The other is genuine confusion ever since Pasteur regarding viruses and vaccines. I think honest doctors are genuinely confused.

I wish today's researchers would duplicate the experiments done by Pasteur's rival Antoine Bechamp, because it may be that viruses ARE real as part of pleomorphism and that they originate in our own bodies, not out in nature.

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Jun 8Liked by Dr. Ariyana Love (ND)

As Dr. Lee Merritt has stated (she now knows that there is NO SUCH THING a 'viruses'), the word, 'VIRUS', in Latin/Greek means 'POISON'.

So, with THAT understanding, there is a lot to unpack here.

We have all been brain-washed to BELIEVE (as opposed to THINK) that one can 'catch' a 'virus'. And a 'virus' can 'spread'.

But those who have brain-washed us all KNOW that 'virus' means 'POISON'. So, with THAT (POISON), the Psychopaths engage in Bio and/or Chemical warfare against us......using man-made POISONS; and they just call it 'viruses'. And 'they' continue to play their 'virus' GAMES!

Bottom Line.....there are NO SUCH THING as 'viruses', as WE have come to 'believe' (ie we can 'catch' them, and they 'spread'). We are BEING POISONED by these Psychopaths......and these Psychopaths just call it 'viruses'.

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Jun 8Liked by Dr. Ariyana Love (ND)

Dr. Lee Merritt, in her various health/medical research, she has discovered that MOST Science/Medical Publications are OWNED BY the CIA and/or MI6 (or is it MI5?)

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Jun 8Liked by Dr. Ariyana Love (ND)

I've heard her talk about that, too.

We need more information. Are there independent research studies being conducted and published anywhere in the world?

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Jun 8Liked by Dr. Ariyana Love (ND)

One would have to ask a (REAL) Doctor that question.

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Jun 8Liked by Dr. Ariyana Love (ND)


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Jun 24·edited Jun 24Author

Dr. Judy Mikovitz summed it up perfectly when she said that viruses are lipid-nanoparticles. The old Britannica definition of a virus is one sentence, "Viruses are parasites".

The Rockefeller Institute of Medicine changed the definition of parasites to "virus" so that nobody would connect the dots anymore and realized that government is injecting Gain-of-Function bacterium and GMO parasites into the population. Medical Doctors would then be looking for something that cannot be isolated or proven and therefore modern medicine is all about taking shots in the dark with people's health with experimental drugs and not about treating the root cause of disease.

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The PTSB are lovin all the infighting and ankle biting!! Keeps them in power and the rest of us enslaved.

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Jun 8Liked by Dr. Ariyana Love (ND)

The question I have is who do we believe!

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Jun 8Liked by Dr. Ariyana Love (ND)


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Jun 8Liked by Dr. Ariyana Love (ND)

Perhaps Dr Mihalcea purchased a subscription (since it's cheaper) and forgot about it? If it really worked, wouldn't she continue buying? Is there a picture of the list of ingredients on the Asea bottle? Amazing how quickly the guy's blood healed after drinking a little Asea, was it a few minutes or hours? Couldn't tell with the video editing.

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The vaccinated man's blood coagulation reversed in under 10 minutes! ASEA Redox is amazing and there's no replacing it.

You can't buy 4 cases per month of the ASEA redox by accident.

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Was the reversal temporary or does it still hold? I looked into ASEA Redox more and it looks like it is a multi-level marketing product, is this true? My bad experiences with MLM goes back decades. Some of the reviews on amazon are also troublesome. If you have too much to write, then maybe a future post can address this, and maybe a link to the company's patent.

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Patents are open source. Redox molecules are isolated from sea salt. No toxic chemicals, no poison, just nature.

I was not involved with ASEA before 2019. I became involved because it's effective at boosting endogenous glutathione to 500-800% which is critical when detoxing poison. MLM structure was the best way to distribute the product worldwide.

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Yawn......it's all gone a bit Jerry Springer hasn't it Ariyana? 'I was there first, she lied, she defamed me, she caused other people to abuse me, I'M THE VICTIM!'. Sorry but this belongs in a teen playground, keep it off substack please. As for masterpeace, Dr Klinghardt who's been studying and testing Zeolite in all its forms for 20+ years makes it very clear: Don't go near nanonised liquid zeolite, ever.

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Dr. Judy Mikovitz is a virus and spike protein peddler. Do not trust anyone talking about spike proteins, they are a red herring like the SARS COV 2 fairy tale: https://xochipelli.fr/2022/12/the-necro-corona-of-molecular-spikes-of-graphene-oxide-and-not-the-invisible-coronavirus-induces-a-smog-in-the-human-organism/

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Jun 10·edited Jun 10

I make $100h while I’m daring to the furthest corners of the planet. Last week I worked by my PC in Rome, Monti Carlo finally Paris… This week I’m back in the USA. All I do are basic tasks from this one cool site. see it,

Copy Here→→→→→ https://Www.Worksprofit1.com

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If EDTA is so poisonous then why is it available as a food supplement on Amazon and eBay?

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???? Are you SERIOUS?? So, just because something is sold on amazon/ebay, it is NOT toxic???

There is a SHIT-LOAD of things, supplements AND FOOD included, being sold on amazon/ebay that are DEADLY TOXIC!! So, you 'believe' (as opposed to THINK), that amazon (owned by EVIL Jeff Bozos, by the way) and ebay are CHECKING PRODUCTS to see if they are toxic, or not???? WOW!

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This Short thread, defines the problem.

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Think about what you just asked. Should you be putting a “safe” food supplement into your bloodstream???


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Jun 8·edited Jun 8

Ana is injecting EDTA and hence its higher bad effect. It is a compound of the vaxs too. There is also an EDTA capsule with a Pfizer patent for delayed release tech on the market.

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Now, more than ever, we need to be on the look out for Khazarian (aka 'Israeli'; Zionists) Infiltrators.

These individuals will give SOME truth, and a whole lotta lies, with it. These PsyOp are coming at us fast and furious! VETTING individuals is now more important than ever!! They are trying their damnedest to DERAIL we HUMANS. Examples of these PsyOps are......the 'Q' nonsense; the 'Flat Earth' nonsense; the 'we never went to the Moon' nonsense. But, it is hard to navigate the 'Health/Medical Truthers'! Vet....vet......and vet some more; as they say, 'Follow The Money!'.

Khazarians are NOT Jewish, by the way. And they have been at this (World Domination) for a very, very, VERY LONG TIME! (several 1000's of years).

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Look at her neck, something odd….

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I noticed that about her neck previously as well. Just like Albert Bourla's bulging neck.

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Exactly! Draco? Grey? Elohim related? Just who the f is who. Getting stranger by the days..,.

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It's interesting to me that so many observant, astute people are not questioning the physical appearance issues like the neck of Bourla and the drastic change in the physical appearance of "The Biden's"

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I was looking for videos with you in them so I could find out more about you. Is this the only one which had your picture but nothing from you? The link to your interview then went nowhere?


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Yes, MasterPeace does have Nano in it. Lots of it. I looked at it myself under the microscope. Anyone can find it. It's a shame really. We are all trying to find solutions, especially Dr. Ana. She has done more than any other person to educate others and save humanity from the nanoapocalpyse. https://unhackableanimal.substack.com/p/masterpeace-take-some-nanos-to-detox

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Ana Maria did a huge disservice to humanity when she attacked my career with defamatory deception in order to get rid of her competition and natural cure.

Read more:


Master Peace uses all natural volcanic ash that's been reduced to nanoparticle size. There's a difference between nanotechnology and natural nano-minerals! In fact, Ana Maria uses nano-minerals from Humic Acid.

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Dr. Ana is not the only M.D. or natural doc using EDTA and warning about liquid Zeolite, such as Master Peace. I just listened to a presentation by Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt MD, PHD, very well respected clinician who also uses EDTA, but maybe not as much with IV. I recall an older doctor in town who used to clean patients arterial plaque with EDTA chelations, so it is not fair to only bad mouth Dr. Ana.

Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt states that when you turn Zeolite into a liquid, the aluminum is separated from the silica, and while it may help you for a while, you will end up with the aluminum in the brain and so is counterproductive. I do not think it is fair to get attention by putting down others. Everyone will have different ideas and protocols. If you don't like theirs, do your own. Don't Criticize, condemn, and judge others - CCJ is a form of witch-craft.

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This is all very confusing as I really like Dr. Ana and respect her work. I bought her book a while back and have read much of it and felt that her heart and mission is to help humanity survive through these difficult dark times. I do not feel it is appropriate to put her down for being a disciple of alleged Ascended Master Ramtha. Many people are disciples of Jesus Christ, Buddha, Kwan Yin, etc.

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I got bored with Dr. A's constant preaching of no cure but the IVs and the EDTA! And the constant doom, the tech is in everything!! There is no cure but mine!!! I suspected there was something afoot (profit motive?) and after the revelations of being a follower of the Ramatha(channeling) I am fairly sure. The key is: those looking to cure are not out of hand dismissing alternate theories, or 'discrediting' others they have no need to do that if they really are all about helping people, they may say their way works, but so does mine. Anyone denying other approaches might help/work are to be suspected.

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Dr Ariyana, I have been using ASEA liquid for two months now, it’s beginning to taste less and less like swimming pool water . My holistic health practitioner who recommended this , tells me I must persevere which I am . Twice a day 60ml each time . U have watched all the company videos but I have to say , other than “promoting sentences” nothing that I have watched clearly states HOW & WHY? Even in the link you’ve provided on the piece above “ASEA Redox is perhaps the world’s most effective heavy metal chelator “ the video link is broken and there is no evidence other than taking this a gospel with blind faith . So please , direct me to a video or a scientific paper that explains exactly how ASEA sodium chloride helps , functions , works , and benefits?? Please .

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Just another lesson in life. Trust in yourself, and ONLY that! But thank the person that influenced me either way I decided. Never blame and do our best to not backbite…

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