Nicotine Patches Contain Graphene Oxide
"Listen carefully: I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves; so be wise as serpents, and innocent as doves" - Mathew 10:16
La Quinta Columna has come out with new research that shows tobacco dissolves the Covid-19 biosensors found in dental anesthesia.
Using a dark field microscope, La Quinta Columna founder Ricardo Delgado demonstrates how a tobacco/water mix breaks apart microscopic biosensors found in dental anesthesia, indicating that tobacco is a protective helper against Covid-19 technology replication.
In 2021, a scientific paper claiming tobacco smokers are 23% less likely to be diagnosed with Covid-19 compared to non-smokers was retracted by a prominent medical journal due to financial links to the tobacco industry. This indicates a possible medicinal value to tobacco ingestion.
However, a scientific study from 2020 demonstrates that smoking cigarettes and vaping up regulate ACE2 receptors (angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 receptor) of the brain and lung RAS system. This means that smoking cigarettes and vaping assists the “virus entry into lung and brain cells” of Covid-19 technology.
We have contradicting scientific research so how are we supposed to interpret these papers with two opposing outcomes?
Tobacco in it’s pure and organic form is medicinal. The tobacco plant has alkaloid materials that have an antiparasitic effect. Topical use of tobacco reduces parasites in the skin. Tobacco may also reduce intestinal worms. So it’s clear that tobacco reduces your parasitic load. Knowing this, please don’t do something stupid like eating cigarettes which leads to nicotine poisoning. Roach eating is dangerous to health due to all the added toxic chemicals in cigarettes.
Snake oil spin doctors have convinced a lot of people to use nicotine patches, to their own detriment.
Ana Maria Mihalcea for example, says she recommends Nicotine patches to her patients.
Please read: EDTA Snakeoil! Ana Maria Mihalcea’s Medical Malfeasance Exposed
Dr. Bryan Ardis (Chiropractor) has been recommending Rugby Nicotine Transdermal System nicotine patch in his snake venom protocol against Covid-19 vaxx shedding. Both Ana Maria and Bryan Ardis continue to promote the use of nicotine patches knowing full well that Graphene Oxide Nanoparticoes (GON) are used in time-release nicotine patches.
See PDF:
Here’s the Nicotine patch Bryan Ardis recommends in his protocol.
The Rugby Nicotine Transdermal System Patch patent explains how this patent uses a “controlled release transdermal delivery system for nicotine administration”. All patches in fact contains a polyurethane matrix in which liquid nicotine is dispersed. Other studies show this polyurethane is cytotoxic, meaning it induces cell death, and polyurethane matrix foam is in fact made with graphene oxide.
Despite containing graphene oxide, nicotine patches also contain four chemicals; Scopolamine, Clonidine, Estradiol and Nitroglycerine.
With continuous use Scopolamine can induce an allergic reaction and glaucoma. Clonidine can cause sedation, dizziness, cardiopulmonary instability and central nervous system (CNS) depression in children and adults. Estradiol is a female estrogine hormone/steroid! This hormone must NOT be used when you have blood clots! Estradiol may induce blood clots, vaginal bleeding, stroke, or heart attack, or cancer of the breast, uterus, or ovaries. And finally, the most common adverse reactions related to Nitroglycerine is dizziness, weakness, heart palpitations, nausea, vomiting, diaphoresis and syncope.
In addition to nicotine patches all containing a graphene oxide transdermal delivery system, cigarettes will also poison you! Cigarette filters are all modified now by a lyophilized carbon nanotubes/graphene oxide delivery system. So, please keep in mind that while you smoke your cigarettes, you’re also exposing others to Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles.
My advice as a medical researcher journalist and a naturopathic doctor, is to avoid all adulterated tobacco products such as nicotine patches and cigarettes. Tobacco itself, in it’s pure form, is medicine. So please be wise and purchase only organic tobacco and roll your own or simply grow your own tobacco.
I will remind folks that back in May of 2023, I recommended that tobacco smokers buy and roll their own organic tobacco, on my previous Telegram channel. Rouseco is a natural tobacco without toxic additives and chemicals that can be obtained on Native American reservations and in some smoke shops in America.
Follow Dr. Ariyana Love (ND) new Telegram channel @drloveariyana.
Sooner or later this nonsense has to stop.
For mere mortals, we can look up each and every supposed health support and find one person flogging it as a saviour and the other screaming that it is the devil.
Is there anything in this world left to trust?
I have found that nicotine gum has helped with my chronic gut/sleep issues after covid.